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My Minor in Writing Projects started with a spoken word poem I wrote a few months ago. The assignment was to take a piece of writing, repurpose it, and then repurpose it again into another form of media. As you scroll down this page you will see the completed three part project as it all came together


Here is the original piece, a poem I wrote and read at the Ann Arbor poetry slam. This piece got me into the finals at the slam. Although it's meant to be spoken and heard, I'm sure you'll get the gist of the goofy, lyrical story telling going on in it. Enjoy.


My job now was to twist the story into something brand new, an original piece. Here is a CNN online report of...well, I'll let you read for yourself. Click on the rightmost picture to see the story.

Now, the only logical way for me to remediate that piece was an acoustic ukulele balad..obviously. Bear with me because I'm not at all a singer. I wrote the lyrics, played ukulele, and sort of spoke-sang the verses and I let my talented friend Jake sing the verses. Take a listen!

Writing Evolution

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